Search Listings

Smokey is a very well mannered and loving dog. He is a happy go lucky boy. He crates well with no whining or barking. He...

 Cyber Sofa

Shelby is a beautiful, loving little girl with a definite zest for life. With a “personality plus”, her favorite things are kisses, belly rubs, and...

 Rainbow Bridge

Blast is very confident and well behaved. He has a laid back personality but can still keep up with a busy lifestyle. He likes to...

 Rainbow Bridge

Storm is a stunning dark brindle male with an outgoing personality. He is very affectionate, crates well and is a dream on lead. This handsome...

 Cyber Sofa

Tuesday is a sweet little gal who is a graduate of the SCAL Prison Program. Tuesday is confident and is also cat & small dog...

 Rainbow Bridge

Lizzy is a beautiful tuxedo marked black female with white tips. She is a retired brood who had one litter of pups in 1997. Her...

 Cyber Sofa


 Cyber Sofa

Penny is beautiful, energetic, and friendly. She is made of Velcro - very attached to her humans. She will follow you around and just wants...

 Cyber Sofa

Bozo fits this guy. He is very friendly and loves to play with toys. He likes to have his head his head rubbed and will...

 Rainbow Bridge

Blackjack is both cat and small dog safe. A very mellow and laid back boy. Blackjack was adopted by Amelia Kukla on August 17, 2004....

 Rainbow Bridge

Candy is an adorable, red fawn female with quite unique sable markings on her face. She's doing great in her foster home, is fine with...

 Cyber Sofa

Sy entered the TGIE prison program on December 12, 2013. Graduation date is February 18th.

 Rainbow Bridge

With 127 races in her working career, Kacy is enjoying learning about retirement. She has been a perfect lady in the house. The squeaky stuffies...

 Cyber Sofa

Sly is a perfect gentleman who loves people, other dogs, and cats. He’s quite content to be a “middle of the pack” dog, and enjoys...

 Rainbow Bridge

Zoey is a laid back gal who is small dog and cat safe. Zoey is small dog and cat safe. Joe and Robin Burghardt fell...

 Cyber Sofa

Update on Jordan,. This little girl is a real joy. We had some real boomers with the Fireworks being very close and oh so loud...

 Cyber Sofa

Daisy is cat workable. Daisy was adopted on 08/11/2006 by Kevin and Susan Buza.

 Cyber Sofa

Scarlett entered the TGIE Prison Program on September 20, 2012. Graduation was on December 13th. More pics & info to follow. Scarlet didn't make it...

 Rainbow Bridge

Gaston has a new name of Diesel and has been adopted on 01/27/2007 by Juan and Lisa Bradford. Sadly, Diesel crossed to the Rainbow Bridge...

 Rainbow Bridge

Nick is cat safe and small dog safe. Nick was adopted on 03/09/2007 by Nicole Bock and Nikki VanBloem.

 Rainbow Bridge

Tall and Lanky Boy, very playful.  Enjoys human interaction.

 Cyber Sofa

Sara was adopted on 09/14/2006 by Phil and Helen Davanzo.

 Rainbow Bridge

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