YOUNG and PETITE. Two year old Asia weighs less than 60 pounds! She is SOCIABLE and AFFECTIONATE! A calm, laid back dog that is CAT SAFE, good with children and good with other dogs. She travels well, enjoys plush dog beds, soft squeaky toys, visitors, and exploring new environments.
Asia bonds instantly to her caregivers. She potties well on lead and doesn’t need a fenced yard. She needs to be walked on lead and prevented from re-injuring her right rear leg that has undergone multiple surgeries to repair a broken hock. Asia was adopted on 09/16/2006 by Brian and Allison Carey.
Asia crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on July 9, 2013. A loving thought from her Mom & Dad….
Asia Baby Puppy Paws, who refused to grow up. In spite of many difficulties no challenge was too great. Always happy and loving, she greeted each new day with exuberance. Asia touched many hearts and was loved beyond measure.
- Listing ID: 12466
- Call Name: Asia
- Pet Name: Asia
- Color: red brindle
- Sex: Female
- Arrived On: 03/05/2005
- Adopted On: 09/16/2006
- Right Ear: 90D
- Left Ear: 21032
- Adopted By: Carey, Allison & Brian
- DOB: 07/01/2003
- Deceased: 07/09/2013
- Weight: 60 lbs.
- Racing Owner: Taylor, John